Red Haught: Haught Brother's Book 4 Page 4
The doctor turned to him with an outstretched hand. “Hello Dr. H. it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I’d like to introduce you to Rosalyn Brooks. She’s taking an alternative therapeutic approach to a problem a lot of people have and could use to get better.”
Red stood there a bit puzzled. He knew that the woman was a jack of all trades…or was that a jill? Anyway she helped with True in her studio, she did accounting, website management, and damn near everything else but he had no idea what she could offer therapeutically. He nodded and waited for someone to tell him.
“She’s a professional cuddler.” Dr. Staunton leaned toward Red as if to see what he was going to say and the truth was…he had no words. None at all. “She has been trained and her certifications are in order.”
They were all looking at him like he was going to have something antidotal to say. He glanced at all the faces two were expectant and one was wary. “That sounds like an amazing service.”
It was like a collective breath was expelled from them all.
“Knowing you’re from one of the bigger cities I wondered what you’d think about it.”
“Well, I have to be going. It was a pleasure to meet you all. Dr. Staunton, Dr….ummm…H, Amanda. Have a great day.” She sounded calm and in control but he could almost see the fluttering of her heart at the base of her throat as she ran out the door.
“I have a few questions about that therapy. I’ll be right back.” Red said to the doctor and Amanda before following Rosalyn outside. She was quick. By the time he caught up with her she was a good ways from the clinic and almost to the parking lot.
“Excuse me Ms. Brooks?”
Rosalyn kept walking like she was trying to get away from him. He put his hand on her shoulder and she swung around wildly.
“Oh dear heavens…why are you sneaking up on me like that.” She pulled the earbuds out of her ears looking at him like he threw ice water over her head.
“I was behind you practically the whole time you’ve been out here. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“Did you come to laugh at me?” Rosalyn looked like she was ready to defend her line of work, and he remembered that she didn’t like being laughed at.
“No. I came to find out more about this cuddling thing. I had no idea you were serious about this as a profession. I didn’t even know something like this existed.”
Rosalyn looked like she was softening but her dander was still up. “The power of touch is serious business. It can change the way people feel about themselves and it can help people heal.”
He nodded. “So what’s all involved with the cuddling.”
She huffed and turned to walk to her car.
“Wait.” He put his hand on her to keep her there. “I’m asking questions. I’m sure Dr. Staunton asked a few questions. I’d like to know more about this as well. If it can help with mental health I’m sure it can help with all kinds of patients.”
She stopped and turned back to him. “I’ll have you know that when I cuddled with you and when we were intimate were two separate times. I told you that the cuddling was over before we did anything that was remotely sexual. So if you’re thinking I’m trying to get my jollies when I’m with my clients you’re wrong.”
He wondered what had made her think he would jump to such a negative assessment of what they’d done the night before and the reason why she chose the profession she had. “I wasn’t thinking that,” he said softly.
She handed him a paper. “If you want to offer it to your patients that would be great. It’s not covered by insurance and I only have a few slots a week that I can book at this time but as my life frees up I’ll open more spots.”
He looked down at the paper and saw the website that was supposed to be used to book and pay for the service as well as the price list. “I’ll check around to see who would like to try this.”
She actually looked pleased even if she seemed to be faking it just a bit. “Thank you Dr…H? Why do you go by that?”
“When I first got here I didn’t want anyone to know what my name was. There aren’t that many Haughts around and I didn’t want any speculation. I also didn’t want anyone to run over to The Haught Spot and tell them there was another Haught in the area.”
She nodded. “Well now the secret is out and you can tell the world. It would be hard to have people call you Dr. H for your whole career.”
“I’m only here for about 4 more weeks so it wouldn’t have been that big a deal.”
Her smile, weak or not, actually fell at his words. “You’re leaving?”
“Yes. This was a temporary assignment. I’ll be going back to my regular hospital after I leave here.” He wondered what was going on in her head. Was she happy? Sad? Something in between?
“Do your brothers know?”
“I didn’t think it was important to bring it up before and I really don’t think I’ll have a chance to talk to them about it now. It’s no big deal.”
She squinted her eyes at him. “I think you should tell them.”
“If it comes up I’ll talk to them about it, but I’d rather you not tell them. Let them deal with this in their own way.” Red didn’t want the men shamed or coerced into accepting him. That’s not the way it was going to work. They probably were done with him and that had to be fine. He wasn’t supposed to have expectations. He’d gotten far more than he’d ever thought he’d get and he was partially ashamed that he’d let the secret out of the bag.
She nodded and walked away backwards like she was keeping an eye on him.
“Smart woman,” he said under his breath.
“I’ll see you around,” she responded as she turned around and beat a hot path to her car.
Red turned around and went back to the mental health clinic knowing that he’d not be able to keep his mind off the green-eyed brunette who somehow knew to intrigue him unlike anyone he’d known before. I bet I don’t see her if she sees me first.
Chapter 4 - Draven
Red’s afternoon had been pretty uneventful but he’d kept himself busy learning more about cuddle therapy and it’s benefits. That was until he got a knock on his door. He’d had an office in the hospital but no one ever came to see him there. It was more like his personal break room.
“Come in.” Red put his reading aside and prepared himself for the questions that whoever was knocking on the door would want answered. When the door opened Red wasn’t prepared for who he saw behind door number one. “Camden?”
“The one and only. You’re very favorite Camden.”
Red smiled at the easy joke his brother, he still couldn’t believe that he could call the man that…even in his moments that he kicked himself for sharing that fact he was happier than not that he’d said something. “I think you’re the only Camden I know.”
“That makes me your favorite,” Camden said in a stage whisper and Red continued to smile at him.
“To what do I owe this pleasure?” Red put any and all paperwork aside so he can concentrate on Camden.
“Well since it didn’t look like you were going to answer me to say anything meaningful by text I figured that I’d just come on over and see you.”
Those words made Red a bit apprehensive about what Camden was going to say but since Red wasn’t the type to run away from things, he’d stick this out to see where it was going. He just nodded to the man and waited for what he wanted.
“I know that you didn’t want to say anything to us but we deserve to hear your story. I’m sorry that you were told not to get into contact with us but I’m happy that you did.” Camden’s eyes lit up. “But you can’t just drop a bomb on us and then leave.”
“I was under the impression from Alec and Beau that I was less than welcome. It’s no less than I expected so I’m not complaining. I should have kept my mouth closed but now that it’s out I can’t say that I’m mad. It felt good to let you guys know you had another brother out here even if it wasn’t welcome information.” Red had be
en trying to rationalize his behavior and the behavior of his brothers since the words had left his mouth and he was going to have to be okay with whatever contact the men were willing to have with him even if it was no contact at all. His only regret was that he’d said something so early because he had four weeks left in town and it had been his life’s dream to hang out with them.
“Well that was a lot of information that none of us saw coming, but I want you to come by tonight. We usually have weekly family dinners at one of our houses and this week we are at my house.” Camden was smiling when he said it and Red had to wonder what he’d have done if the gathering was at someone else’s house this week.
“It’s pretty fresh for everyone. Maybe I can come in a week or two.”
“There is no time like the present. We haven’t gotten to know you in the twenty six plus years you’ve been on the earth and what we all know from our parents dying at an early age is that no day is promised.” Camden stood up and walked over to the desk. “Give your bonehead brothers a chance to know you. I feel like you were my lifesaver when Gemmi was pregnant and I’m glad to hear that pop had some comfort before he died and I’m also glad—.” Camden stopped short with his mouth in a line so firm Red knew he wasn’t planning on finishing that thought.
“Your also glad…what?” Red wanted to hear the end of that sentence because for his whole life he was told that anyone with the last name of Haught, especially if they a son of Zachary Haught, would not be happy to see him at all.
“I’m glad I’m not the baby anymore. That spot has been filled.”
Red shook his head at how easy going and comforting his older brother was, but he still wasn’t sure if now was the best time to get into any of this. “I’m glad you’re happy about the replacement status and I’m more than happy to take on the role of baby brother, but I don’t want to rush the others.”
“I get that. Honestly I do but with something like this I don’t think giving someone time is the answer. Would it be easier for them to just think their individual thoughts without getting to know you? Of course, but we’ve wasted enough time, you’re here, and we’re all family.” Camden paused a second and appeared to be thinking of something. “You said you knew about us when you were younger. Did you try to find out any information about us?”
“I’m almost ashamed at how much time, energy and resources I used to find out about your lives. I read about your wedding too late but if I’d have known sooner I’d have found a way to show up because I really wanted to be there.”
“I wish I’d have known about you so I could have had you in the wedding. There is always room for family.” Camden’s look of happiness took Red by surprise. It shouldn’t have since the man had never been anything but welcoming and accommodating, but it surprised him none the less.
“Thanks, Camden.” Red pulled the man in for a quick hug, not for anything but the sheer happiness of being accepted. It was a good feeling and it brought to mind his feelings for Rosy. He knew she didn’t feel accepted by the group she’d surrounded herself with but he didn’t think she saw things the way they really were but more of the way she thought they should be. He wanted so badly to ask Camden about it but he was pleased at how everything was going between them and would hate for one of the first things he asked the man was to break any kind of confidences. Plus, he should hear it from the horses mouth.
“Well, I’m glad you know so much about us but now it’s time we got to know Draven Haught. Excuse me…Dr. Draven Haught.” Camden continued with his invitation even though Red wasn’t so sure this was a good idea. “Dinner is at 7:30 but show up an hour earlier just so they’re walking in and you’re there not the other way around. I want you to be comfortable and relaxed the hard part is behind you and you don’t have to bring anything but yourself. There is always way too much food and because we own a bar there is usually way too much alcohol as well.” Camden had finally gotten all his words out and as much as Red wanted to say he was busy it wasn’t true. This is the real reason he’d come to this small town and this was the event he’d been waiting for all his life. To meet the men who were his brothers and to have them know who he actually was. There was no way he was going to miss this although he didn’t think he’d be as comfortable and relaxed as Camden wanted him to be. The man stood there with a look of expectation on his face and Red knew the man wasn’t going to leave without the right answer. They must have both gotten that from their father since that is the parent they shared.
“Okay, I’ll be there,” Red said reluctantly.
Camden could have said so many things that would have sounded like he won but he didn’t but the smile was congratulatory enough. “Thanks, bro. I’ll see you tonight.” With a brief wave Camden walked out the door.
Red returned to his desk and was almost stunned with how well some things seemed to be working out. Was he wrong to have waited as long as he had? Of that he wasn’t sure but what he did know was he was in the right place, at the right time and damn did it feel good.
Chapter 5 - Rosy
It had been a long, and productive day but Rosy stopped by True’s studio to check on her and see if she wanted or needed something. She’d somehow created a life where she was the equivalent of an errand girl but she was here for it and she adored True.
When she walked in True called her name out loud like it was a song or like she was really happy to see her. Rosy walked over to where she and Karessa were sitting and talking but just stood there.
“Have a seat Rosy.” True and Karessa both said at the same time.
“We have been talking for hours about Draven aka Red. Another Haught brother. Can you fucking believe that?” Karessa said like she had a fresh wave of ‘I can’t believe this’ hit her.
“Those were some pretty intense moments. I thought there was going to be blood shed at the friendly neighborhood Haught Spot.” True sat in front of a computer but Rosy would bet that she hadn’t gotten a lot of work done.
“Why aren’t you with Alec and Beau now?” Rosy looked at the two women who then paused and looked at each other.
“We had to vent so I’m sure they want to vent too. They are probably talking to each other. This isn’t my situation…I’m just a bystander, and I’m shocked.” Karessa said picking up her Coffee Smoffee mug and taking an aggravated sip.
“Alec believed with all his heart that his father died because he loved too hard. That is what almost kept us part. The man knew he loved me but feared for his life if we ever broke up that his heart would just stop. That belief was a big part of why we’d been circling each other like snapping turtles. I feel so bad that they all had their illusions crushed along with finding out there was more to the story. I don’t want them to push Draven away.” True sounded a bit indignant about that and Rosy could understand why the whole family was a little upset, but they didn’t know that they were on borrowed time with Red. He was going to be going away very soon. She wondered if that would mean anything to any of them or would they be happy he was gone. It wasn’t her place to tell anyone but she still wanted to. She was related to Gemmi by blood and getting closer to True and Karessa with friendship but she stayed away from the Haughts just because it was a known fact she’d been ape-shit crazy over Camden. He wasn’t the reason she’d started coming to The Haught Spot but he was the reason she kept returning. The man wasn’t anything but nice to her, like he was with all his customers but she’d wanted to be part of the inner circle. Now she was a part of it but she was mostly on the outside looking in. Afraid that anything she did would be taken wrong. Before Red, there hadn’t been any more brothers, so she didn’t have to worry they’d think she’d be going after anyone, but now…Damn. How had she gone out for a night of fun, found an amazingly, stunning red head, that was supposed to give her back a little of the wild girl that she was without the jealous, awful bitch that she’d gotten rid of. The man knew his way around her body like they’d been together for years and had gotten rid of any and a
ll thoughts about other men. When she found him buddying up with the people she was trying to clean up her reputation with she decided to act like she didn’t know him. It had been hard finding out he was a long lost brother of the men she’d been trying to stay away from.That was just the way her luck went. There wasn’t anyway she enjoyed the defeat and self loathing that covered his face as he walked out the bar that night. All she’d wanted to do was offer him comfort because that’s really all she had to give.
The two women continued to titter on about this thing and that and broke up her woe is me thoughts as Rosy did what she always did…blend into the background. Her phone went off with the special ring that came with making a sale. It has been so long since she made up that sound she’d almost forgotten what it was for.
She looked over to True and Karessa but they hadn’t stopped talking about Red so she took a few mental breaths before she opened it. The first week of appointments had been booked. There had only been two because she was going to start slow and hope she could build up her clientele.
Rosy had a little studio that had panic buttons built into it. There was a security group that would come if there was a problem and she pushed any of said buttons. She just had to tell them what time she had an appointment.
In just a little over 72 hours she’d have her first client. It was something that was all her own. She got the space and approached Dr. Staunton about working with her services. No one could take that away from her. It was hard not to do a little dance in her seat but she decided to put her two cents in with the ladies she had joined in conversation but had not really held up her end of the bargain. First, she had to see where these two were in terms of conversation.